Project Socrates - Comenius
In February 2004 our school involved in the international project Socrates - Comenius. Our partners are from Northern Ireland (Belfast), Germany (Bernstadt), Italy (Massa Martana), Greece (Athens) and our school Bratří Čapků from Ústí nad Orlicí.
The title of the project is "Eur(our) Times - time of the past, time of the present and time of the future" and it will last for three years. The main thematic areas are cultural heritage, history, traditions, environment and geography.
Work in year one will involve looking at European Lifestyles of children in the past in N. Ireland, Greece, Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic. Each partner will have an imaginary child who will be able to travel to the past of their country and provide information on the types of stories, songs, games and job children did in the past. Year two and three will take these imaginary children to the present and finally to the future. Pupils from different countries will exchange letters, stories, songs, drawings etc. So they can experience the "Flavour" of the culture and lifestyle, past, present and future.
The school will established a web-site that will track our intrepid time explorers through their travell and information will be exchanged with partners through e-mail, letters, audio and visual media.
This project is an opportunity for children to explore the diversity of culture, environment, history, and heritage of European Community neighbours.